Jul 17, 2007
dear t.i. and akon;
so, hey, rappers--
is this what we're doing these days? really? throwing people around? hitting them with microphones? is this for street credit now, or are we just looking for ways to get rid of our new riches that don't involve bling and rings that spell things out? are lawsuits the new status symbol? cause you know, lawsuits often cost more than gold teeth and lexus-es. you know? cost a bit more than an alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet.
do we think throwing around fifteen year olds because they threw some small thing at you is a worthwhile thing to do? that it makes us look badass? that it sells records?
what i'm trying to say here is, what is the logic behind this new current trend of beating up people in our own crowds, at your own shows, who clearly paid to be there and so clearly don't hate you as much as you seem to think?
oh wait--they work for you! right? i get it now.
they're plants, sent there to get thrown around, and they get a little hush money, and you get in the press, looking all tough and shirtless. is that it? because publicity about beating up a kid beats publicity about humping a fifteen year old preacher's daughter onstage.
i get it!
you guys are geniuses.