Jul 10, 2007

dear olson twins;

i realize that you two were oh-so-adorable back in the day, but i have to tell you, i get confused.

run it down for me: which is which again?

i know one of you is super-duper skinny, and one of you dresses like a bag lady. and one of you is a blonde now. and crazy. right?

or is that all the same one?

maybe you're both crazy? but only one is blonde. i know that or sure. oh dammit, it's so hard to remember!

which is the crazy bag-lady wannabe and which is the...other one?


give them a break. it's tough being a 21 year-old billionaire.

i'm pretty sure they switch identities back and fourth.

i know when i was dating mary kate i could swear she was a different person each time we went out.
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